WCW Review: Uncensored 1995
Uncensored 1995 Okay, let's get EXTREME(ly silly) as we delve into WCW's "Uncensored" Pay-Per-Views. Some of these have a legendary status for being overbooked crapfests. I've haven't watched one since 2000-ish. Should be fun. Let's start back in 1995. Shit, did I get the wrong event? Tony, Bobby and Mike Tenay greet us in full-bore hype machine mode. Oooh, The Renegade debuts tonight as the Ultimate Surprise. It's some huge buff dude wearing a crocheted loincloth. That IS a surprise. Not a GOOD surprise, of course Vader vs Hogan tonight! Martial arts matches! Boxer vs wrestler match! Those never suck, right? And most importantly, the first minute on the WCW Hotline is FREE! ("Hi. You've called the ... WCW... Hot.... Line. Please hold for... Iron. Mike. .... .... .....Tenay. Threenintyfiveaminutekidsaskyourparentsfirst") Also, Hogan's manager, Jimmy Hart is missing. We hear about this CONSTANTLY for the rest of the show. But first up,...